Personal Post

Hey everybody,

Hope you all had a great weekend. I really wanted to make this blog a little more personal, so today I will just share a little bit about how I've been dealing with the current project!

Recently, when designing one of the products on Illustrator, a thought appeared in my head: "How did I end up doing this?" It is funny really; I have never had a specific interest in accessories. Of course I love to have them and I love to discover brands that create something 'different'. But I never imagined myself creating a range of accessories... of travel accessories. It all happened very fast: one day I am walking to my internship, I get under a heavy rain and I wonder about umbrellas or lack of trendy ones in the market. Then I am looking at the Kazakh culture, and start merging traditional patterns with the umbrella design... and then the challenge comes. Is the brand going to be limited to only umbrellas? No, let's expand to accessories. Travel accessories? Ten weeks of research and ta-da there is a gap in the market.

So here we are... a week till the project is due and still so much to work on. It is amazing how much I am in love with it. It is my baby, something I've created from the very scratch... something I've invested so much time in. I often try to make it perfect and spend hours after hours starting over the new design. I believe fashion is a very creative field, and that is why sometimes lack of inspiration can be the most difficult part of the project. There are days when I get completely stuck, don't know what to do or how to further develop the idea. I guess today is one of those days... It is very hard to get inspired sometimes. It is not something you can read in the book or learn by heart. It can be very frustrating. In the field of art, emotions help a lot. That is where I find the most of my inspiration, whether it is for this project or a drawing. Any strong emotion is a good trigger, whether it is sadness or happiness. Walking in the park, or the art gallery helps... Being by myself, thinking and feeling something is the best trigger.

I should be getting the photos from the last photo session in few hours. I love editing photos; putting an effort to an already existing image and bringing something you already see in your mind to the photo. But till then, I guess I'm going to simply take a walk and see if the inspiration strikes:)

With Love,



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